The VCE is delivered internationally through a partnership model between Victorian education providers and selected schools offshore.
The partnership model promotes the establishment of strong relationships between teachers in Victoria and teachers offshore.
Teachers at the Victorian partner school mentor their counterparts and provide ongoing advice and support, including assistance with curriculum planning and school-based assessment.
Currently there are 31 programs being delivered across China, the Philippines, Timor Leste, Vanuatu, Malaysia and Vietnam.

For a snapshot of the VCE offshore program to date, see  VCE Offshore and a comprehensive overview see this VCE Offshore Illustration.

In 2020, approximately 1,400 students enrolled to study the VCE offshore at Years 11 and 12. Ninety-four per cent of students who completed the VCE offshore in 2018 went on to study at Australian tertiary institutions in 2019.
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